Lentiviral RFP Reference Material

Catalog number: LV10002
Description: Lentiviral control particles with EF1a promoter-driven expression of RFP and SV40-puro, ultracentrifugation purified
Vector pLenti-SV40-Puro-EF1a-RFP
Promoter EF1a
Select Volume Titer Price
2 x 100 µl 1x10^7 IU/mL $370.00
2 x 100µl 1x10^8 IU/mL $520.00
2 x 25 µL 1x10^9 IU/mL $1,000.00


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Lentiviral RFP Reference Material

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More Information
Titer 1x108 IU/mL
Vector pLenti-SV40-Puro-EF1a-RFP
Promoter EF1a
Reporter RFP
Storage Buffer PBS
Storage Conditions -80°C
Shipping Dry ice
Use Restrictions
For Research Use Only. Not for Use in
Therapeutic or Diagnostic Procedures.
Storage Conditions


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